What is OOG?

OOG is OUT OF GAUGE.Take the container as an example, the standard size is divided into two types: 20 feet (L: 5.9m,W:2.3m,H:2.39m) and 40 feet (L: 11.9m,W:2.3m,H:2.39m), when any size of the goods exceeds this standard, the ordinary container cannot be loaded.

In general, the general container can meet the transport requirements of most of the goods.When the goods are large engineering castings, glass products, metal pipes, high-grade clothing, frozen food, perfume, these goods have a special demand for containers, ordinary containers are not competent for packing requirements, at this time in this limitation, special cabinets emerge.

Through use, we can divide special ark roughly:

  • frame container (FLATRACKCONTAINER)
  • tank type container (TANKCONTAINER)
  • freezer container (REFFERCONTAINER)
  • hang clothes container (DRESSHANGERCONTAINER) wait.

And alleged OOG special ark meaning is oversize container, it is the general name of open top container and frame container in special ark, abbreviation open top ark, flat board ark.

The world’s most unreachable destinations which set us apart from other international shipping agents and project forwarders. Our professional packing, securing, lashing and stripping services for out of gauge cargo consignments in each of these regions opens up a range of options to our customers---BY KAPOKLOG